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Rise Of Kingdom Guide for Beginner Governors

Rise of Kingdoms is a MMO strategy game taking place. The main difference from most similar games is the possibility to chose between different civilizations to start with and rather than having a setting in one time frame it plays through history. The main focus is on building troops and ultimately subdue enemy alliances with superior forces, but there is a lot of focus on growing your own city with a very elaborate set of buildings with each their own function, and using research to make you stronger.

At the beginning of the game, you just really need to get building, as you keep building new buildings and upgrading existing ones you will become a stronger civilization and naturally start unlocking the many Achievements that can be found in the game. If you have the opportunity to open a second builder queue, take it as soon as you can, this will give you the quick boost that you need to speed through the first few levels.

Resources are vital to progress. The basic three are food, stone and wood.The foremost tasks of the game like upgrading buildings, training troops and doing research all require these resources. Farm, Lumber Mill and Quarry are the three resource generating buildings.You may also collect resources from resource points on the map. These include croplands, logging camps and stone deposits.

When starting the game you get to select your civilization. You can change your civilization later, and all civiliations have their own benefits, so it is not like you can make a fatal mistake, but it might be good to have a look at the possibile civilizations and chose one that suits your game play. Looking at the possible choices I favor Korea (for the research speed boost) or China (for the building speed boost), but actully all boosts are quite small.

From time to time, Rise of Kingdoms will hold events that offers awesome rewards to all players. The Mighty Governor is one of the most awaited events in the game. It’s a week-long event that provides different kinds of daily challenges. The mightiest governor or the governor which accumulates the whole points in the week-long event earns sculptures of a featured legendary commander. Definitely, there’s more events than just the Mighty Governor. As much as possible, try to join and engage in all of the events. The rewards are definitely worth reaping so it would be such a waste if you miss out on all of these opportunities. Stay tuned to and we will be the first one to inform you all the latest. Besides, our website also offer Cheap ROK RSS for players.